Susan Drysdale, PhD

We can work together to find solutions to your problems.

Relationship Problems

Couples work helps you to understand yourself, your partner, and your issues. During couples therapy, you are offered emotional support as you decide whether your partnership is viable. Relationship differences are clarified, and a determination is made as to the extent of common ground. Do you and your partner share sufficient values and interests to make your partnership mutually beneficial?

One of the most important objectives of couples work is learning the skills of conflict resolution. Most couples disagree and argue about various issues. But if you are able to learn how to resolve conflicts in a constructive fashion, disagreements do not have to destroy a relationship. The key is to be able to really listen to what your partner is saying. Are you just waiting for him or her to stop talking so that you can say what you want to say? Are you making an attempt to truly understand what it is like for your partner to feel as he or she does? Are you willing to compromise?

Couples therapy teaches you the skills needed to resolve conflicts in a satisfactory manner. Any relationship can be saved if the invested partners want to save it, and are willing to compromise. If you have decided that your partnership is worth the effort, then couples work will help you learn the effective communication techniques that are the hallmark of all satisfactory relationships. Let's work together to find solutions.

Other relationship topics that may be explored during counseling are as follows:

  • understanding personal issues as well as those of your partner

  • understanding the basis of relationship distress, i.e. family of origin work

  • confronting cognitive distortions

  • taking responsibility for getting your own needs met

  • learning how to validate, support, respect, and accept each other

Contact me now so that I can help you find solutions.